Speak of facelifts and most people express a fascination with how a surgical procedure can make a person look 10 or 20 years younger. The brows are more lifted, eyes can now peek out of droopy eyelids and shine again, eyebags smoothened, cheeks are round and elevated, and that sexy jawline is back. Rarely, this fascination piques an interest, and a surgical facelift is done. Why people are exploring non-invasive ways to look younger (or at least maintain their looks) isn’t difficult to understand – the surgical facelift has great results but there are real risks of vascular and nerve injury, poor wound healing, unintended skin loss, and the downtime is long – 2 weeks and approximately 1 full year before all the residual swelling, bruises and changes in sensation resolves. So non-invasive face-lifting treatments found their niche in this majority who are looking at subtle ways to stop the sag, apart from daily sunscreen and anti-aging cream, some treatments to reverse a peeking jowl or to keep that jawline Continue Reading