The Rolling Stones sang, “Time waits for no one… Time can tear down a building or destroy a woman’s face”. Did you know that collagen production within our skin starts to drop as early as during our twenties? Throw in the stress of work (and kids), women notice the first signs of ageing usually in the mid to late 20s or if you are lucky, during your 30s. We cannot stop the passing of time and the effect on our youthful faces, but that is exactly the reason why every woman should consider anti-aging treatments early – to delay it. Tip #1 SAGGING SKIN Ever wondered why the most beautiful celebrities look like they never age? Apart from good genes, they do put in hard work to make sure the devastation of sagging skin never ever hits them. From your early 30s, start with FDA-approved skin tightening treatments annually to ensure the skin stays plump with collagen. Treatments such as Ultherapy and Thermage stimulate a good wound healing response Continue Reading