Approaching or in your 40s and rethinking your beauty regime? This decade is about serious anti-aging treatments delaying the appearance of worsening of wrinkles and doing all you can to keep that jawline tight and sculpted. Without further ado, here are the real treatments that every woman (and man) in their 40s should check out. COMMON SKIN WOES OF THE 40s Increasingly sagging jawlines, double chins, jowls, prominent nasolabial and marionette folds. The 40s is the curse of the lower face. Try looking at yourself in the mirror and using your fingers to reposition your skin to where it was in your late 20s or 30s. You might not have minded the slightly less V-shaped visage in your mid-thirties but come 40s and you wish you did something about it earlier. Read more: Exposed: How 30 Minutes Was All I Needed For An Eyelift MAKE NON-INVASIVE SKIN TIGHTENING TREATMENTS A 40s RITUAL Ultherapy And Thermage : Mild to moderate cases of jawline sagging can take back that chiseled Continue Reading