Proven Ways To Slow Down The Skin Ageing Process

Be Religious About Applying Your Sunscreen Heard of the Slip-Slop-Slap campaign that was raised to raise awareness about the risks of skin cancer in Australia? Well, since we can’t Slip on a shirt over our faces, Slop-ping on the SPF50 sunscreen is probably more important in this respect. Don’t be fooled and skip the sunscreen on a less-than-sunny day. Fact is, our skin doesn’t need to feel the sun in order to be damaged. UVA rays are potent “silent’ skin agers and do not burn skin at all.   For those who need some quick advice, physical sunblocks are also known as mineral sunblocks, and these contain zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or both. Compared to chemical sunblocks which contain active ingredients like avobenzone or oxybenzone, physical sunblocks are more stable and less likely to cause skin irritations. However, if the thought of zinc oxide leaving a chalky cast on your face puts you off, try a wash-on sunscreen. Read more: I Found A Wash-On Sunscreen. You Are Going To Want Continue Reading

What To Do About Your Neck

Your aesthetician is probably starting to sound like a broken record, going on and on, warning about how you will regret slathering on all the serums and creams on the face but not the neck. For some unfortunate people however, deep horizontal creases appear really early and has no connection to age or skincare. It seems that the bothersome neck lines that often give away one’s actual age are caused by a combination of natural aging and environmental factors such as exposure to the sun and smoking. And now that we are sunken deep in the digital age, there is the problem of the “tech neck” – too much bending of our heads down and folding the skin of the neck resulting in premature wrinkles of the neck. What a dreadful thing, I agree. Here are 5 treatments that you can find in a doctor’s clinic that can radically salvage and reverse the telltale signs on your neck.   Ultherapy Upper & Lower Neck For those who have never heard Continue Reading

5 Parts Of Your Body That Betray Your Age

We know that most of you do give a lot of love and time to your faces. A full skincare regimen from normal cleansing, scrubs, peels, nourishment with remarkable skincare and even to anti-aging lasers and other skin tightening treatments. But most women are oblivious to all the signs of aging below the jawline. Here are 5 body parts that undergo accelerated aging which people frequently neglect and show signs of vintage that betray your real age.   1. Neck Youthful-looking necks are tight and almost crease-free. On the contrary, aged-looking necks have thin, crepey skin with deep creases, and worse, gravity’s work over the years loosen the muscle bands in the neck, and sagginess of the jawline and upper neck makes one look like the face is starting to pour into the neck. For mild signs of aging such as fine lines and early wrinkles, try a resurfacing treatment such as SmartX Lite. This fractional carbon dioxide laser has a patented intelligent scanning technology which makes it suitable for Continue Reading

5 Sneaky Treatments For The New V-Shaped Face You Always Wanted

Getting older can be depressing, especially if we like to reminisce how youthful we looked then versus now. If you thought the boob sag was the most concerning past childbirth or past our 30s, well guess what, gravity works against our faces before it even begins to draw your nipples to your waistline. “Our skin starts the aging process as early as our early 20s. First it loses water and becomes thinner, and then you start losing volume in terms of fat, bone and even muscle, making your skin sag around your jawline as if it is a piece of thin chiffon blouse drapped over a hanger”, says Dr Michelle Lim, Medical Aesthetics Consultant at the SW1 Clinic. Until recently, the surgical facelift was the only way to go if you wanted to do anything to lift it. Today, give Dr Michelle any of the following and she can help you restore your jawline to its youthful tightness, without anyone knowing.     1. Dissolve The Fluff   According to Continue Reading

Which is the best: Threadlift, Filler or Ultherapy?

  With the explosion of lunchtime rejuvenation procedures available, many women are at a loss as to what is the most suitable aesthetic treatment for their faces. The issues facing one looking for non-surgical rejuvenation enhancement techniques are: (1) the extent of what they can accomplish (2) the downtime (this varies between individuals, and what constitutes downtime for one may not be so for another) (3) the longevity of the treatment (or how long the results can last). With this in mind, top on the podium of most popular face-enhancing, youth-reviving therapies in the last five years stand Dermal Fillers, Threadlifts and Ultherapy. Anyone who have not been living under a rock would have at some point heard about their benefits in terms of turning back the ageing clock, reducing lines and wrinkles and lifting skin.   For those who perhaps may have been living in some kind of rock for the past decade, here is a quick run down of what each of the three aesthetic frontrunners do. DERMAL Continue Reading