You Really Get What You Pay For We have all heard of the saying “you get what you pay for”. When you purchase something based on price alone, you should be prepared that a cheaper item will likely be of lower quality compared to a higher priced item. Beauty treatments are no different, in fact, the probability of this being true is almost 100% when you compare FDA-approved treatments versus cheaper knockoffs in the market. Aesthetic treatments often start from several hundred for zero downtime lasers to several thousand for premium skin tightening or body shaping treatments. Laser toning, for example, a quick, low fluence (energy) skin toning laser treatment to brighten skin and refine pores, can range between under $50 per session to well above $500 per session. It is not difficult to find a $50 laser toning treatment, but there are caveats. For example, these treatments are often sold in large packages so the eventual financial outlay is definitely substantial even though per session-wise it sounds like an Continue Reading