Celebrities, we love them, we hate them, we all want to be like them. The truth is in this day of digital technology, everyone’s life is an open book. For better or worse, every wrinkle is scrutinized, every diet dissected. So do celebrities who live in a stratosphere of their own age in a different manner from us mere mortals? Or do they even age at all? Denise Richards How well has she aged? May: 6/10 Denise Richards was one of the hottest babes on the planet, ever since her turn as a Bond girl. Almost 17 years on, she retains her pretty features but it’s clear her face has lost some of that youthful softness and sparkle. Her forehead looks very hardened to me. Khristine: 7/10 Denise Richards is in her forties so she really doesn’t look that bad for a woman her age. But it’s a pity that her lower face has lined up so much, giving her age away, despite her keeping to the Continue Reading