This Chinese New Year, SKIN tells you which features to check to ensure a smooth-sailing and prosperous year. Round and Bright Forehead The Chinese believe that the forehead signifies Heaven, and if this area is clean, clear, well-defined, a person will have a good start in life. Needless to say, scars and pigmentation on the forehead will not bode well for the future, and certain (specific) lines on the forehead could mean misfortune. A perfect forehead is of course rare but in general, a wide and high forehead is auspicious and suggests intelligence and good fortune. Soften obviously etched lines and scars with Botox microinjections, and look for treatments such as gentle lasers that will lighten or get rid of pigmentation (pico pigment laser) and scars. Moles should not be in the center of the forehead and these should be removed (carefully!) The Pearl Lip And The Lotus Mouth Pearls are considered gems of social class and prestige to the Chinese, hence the Chinese consider the fleshy protrusion Continue Reading