Every now and then a treatment is invented and brings us a step closer to dreamy complexions of Korean popstars. In this case I was even more amazed because the treatment came in the comfort of a photofacial, without any downtime. I won’t lie, I think I am a facial addict. Fact is for a small price every 3 to 4 weeks, I have a facial done to reset things a little for my skin – to clean out my pores and to brighten my skin. These days, facials have been thoroughly re-invented and unlike just the usual scrub, extraction and mask, some medi-spas now incorporate safe, quick, medical-grade skin fixes for skin problems or anti-aging ultrasound, radiofrequency or light-based treatments. Read more: What Really Happens To Your Post Pregnancy Body SW1 Clinic’s Red Carpet Illumi Facial The Illumi Facial is a 90-minute photofacial. For those of you who don’t know, photofacials are skin treatments that use light-based technology (most frequently the intense pulsed light, IPL) for various Continue Reading