I chanced across this video recently which showed the girl with the biggest cheeks in the world. My first thought was: Oh my, is this just a stunt for attention? But as I watched on, I realised that she genuinely thinks she looks better with such big cheeks. Now, these big cheeks obviously did not come naturally, she had undergone multiple aesthetic procedures to achieve her current look. To enhance the volume of her cheeks, she used fillers. According to an interview she did with This Morning, she mentioned that she doesn’t keep track of the number of procedures that she has undergone and has probably spent over USD $2,000. Here’s shocking news! Indifferent to the consequences of having infections or getting disfigured, she injects the fillers into her face all by herself! She is confident that she can professionally do it herself since she attended cosmetology school online. I don’t need to be a doctor to say that going down to a clinic to get a doctor to inject your fillers Continue Reading