Tag: coolshape

Proven Tricks That Make Any Diet Work Better

So maybe some of you can relate to the kind of frustration I have with the 5 odd kilos or so that has proven impossible to shed with any kind of exercise or diet. And I am pretty sure I haven’t been slack about things – I even clean my own house quite regularly, thinking perhaps that extra bit of a meaningful workout might just result in me getting that flatter stomach and smaller waist.   CAN WE TARGET AND BURN OFF STUBBORN FAT? I came across a fitness magazine one day and there was this article about targeting stubborn fat and spot reduction. The article wrote that it was impossible to target fat localized in a particular area only. The theory was that we burn fat all over and it was impossible to concentrate fat burning efforts in one place. That is actually incorrect. To burn fat, it needs to be released from the cell i.e. lipolysis. Stubborn fat is stubborn because it releases fat more slowly, and it Continue Reading

I Said No To Lipo And Tried Fat Freezing Instead

I have good reasons not to like my body very much, in particular, my stubborn tummy is bent on making the world know that it continues to live, since I was 18. Problem is, I don’t have as much a problem with my weight, because I really don’t consider myself as fat. So you see why a tummy bulge can be an issue. Having tried dieting (which just makes me lose weight overall but doesn’t do much to change my shape), been to the gym, tried one of those vibration slimming belts, I contemplated liposuction. But according to a study, apparently fat comes back after it is liposuctioned out, to other parts of the body. I might be wrong, but I am not about to try it just to find out. More importantly, I discovered a world of non-invasive body shaping that hides in a doctor’s slimming arsenal. But the biggest question is, does the weight come back with non-invasive treatments? Well, at least there isn’t a study yet to Continue Reading

Body After Baby – Top Solutions For Common Post Partum Body Issues

Starting a family is probably one of the biggest milestones of our lives, but pregnancy can be tough on a woman. Postpartum body changes, in particular, can really sting. The truth is, regaining one’s pre-pregnancy weight takes many months, and sadly, most women face permanent alterations to their skin and body shape. Women have been turning to surgeries to reclaim their former bodies, but there are also non-invasive treatments that are effective for regaining one’s shape. So for new mothers, what sort of help is out there to help you get over the initial bloated and “I am still pregnant” appearance, and what treatments are there for various postpartum body changes?   You Still Look Pregnant When Your Baby Has Already Started On Solids This is what reminds people that you have just had a baby. And mommies say that this gets worse as you have more! No matter how much you diet or exercise, your dreams of a washboard tummy is completely squashed. The problem is often 2-fold. Firstly, Continue Reading

Heavy Metal Fashion Guide

Most of my clothes are black, or close to black, such as dark navy blue. In fact my wardrobe has been filled with dark coloured clothing for as long as I can remember. At 45, I have gotten older, but I still wear black most of the time. Sometimes I pair a black bottom with a white or grey top, and very, very rarely, perhaps something bright. Why do some women wear black all the time? Firstly, it does have a slimming effect, secondly, it is a safe colour, rather like second skin. It is difficult to go terribly wrong in black. Most of the time, people rarely notice black. But have you noticed that everyone is wearing something metallic, such as silver or gold? It is almost as if silver has replaced grey, and gold has replaced beige! Whether high-shine or glittery, dresses or coordinates, it takes a little bit of confidence to really get comfortable wearing something bold. And of course, a better body. If you have been Continue Reading

Lose The Holiday Weight Gained – How Supermodels Diet

After some serious holiday bingeing, if your skinny jeans feel a little tight, it might be time to rest up from all the unhealthy eating and start a heathier diet. Here are some tips on how supermodels diet, for you to lose the weight fast! Avoid   1. Foods That Cause Bloating Well, perhaps a glass of milk every night worked while we were still growing, but the supermodel diet restricts foods that can cause bloating, such as dairy and fruits, especially in the first 2 weeks. These can be added back in small amounts gradually later, but choose fat-free versions.   2. Foods High In Fat And Sugar Say goodbye to all your favourites, which I am sure, tend to be high in carbohydrates – breads, sweets, pasta and starchy vegetables are strictly prohibited. Foods high in fat such as fatty cuts of meat (such the succulent medium-rare ribeye steak!) and fried food. Ouch.   3. Alcohol, caffeine, oil and salt You may have figured by now that the Continue Reading