3 Reasons To Start Lasers In Your 30s

In your teens and 20s, good skin health is usually a given. A decade ago, I could afford being lazy at times and jump into bed without really cleaning off my makeup, my skin seemed to forgive me quite easily the next day. Fast forward to 33, my skin has turned into the pettiest thing I know. A blemish takes a little longer to heal, and a little too much alcohol makes me regret the puffiness the next morning. The truth is, in our 30s, collagen production slows down and this is the age when neglect in the past starts to creep up on us. Needless to say, any further lack of love and nurture for it and you will see how it will wage war on you in later life. If you have not had the opportunity to start on simple lasers earlier, it is definitely not too late to start it in your 30s. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should get started.   Keep It Continue Reading

Top 3 Reasons To Start Lasers In Your 20s

Have you wondered why Jennier Lopez looks like she hasn’t aged a day since she was 21? Apart from lucky genes and healthy habits, it is very likely that she had skin enhancements, which she probably started early and carried these on to her 40s. “When you are in your 20s, it is easy to feel complacent because visible signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles are not of utmost concern. But in fact, this is the decade to start preventive measures to delay the aging clock” says Dr Chua Han Boon, Senior Medical Aesthetics Consultant of the SW1 Clinic. With the advent of so many affordable laser treatments, there are really a lot of choices from hybrid facials to lasers that leave you with just a hint of pink by the time you walk out of the clinic. “The intuitive understanding that people had in the past and today is the same; they understand that in order to stay youthful-looking, they must not be lazy about caring Continue Reading

Lose The Holiday Weight Gained – How Supermodels Diet

After some serious holiday bingeing, if your skinny jeans feel a little tight, it might be time to rest up from all the unhealthy eating and start a heathier diet. Here are some tips on how supermodels diet, for you to lose the weight fast! Avoid   1. Foods That Cause Bloating Well, perhaps a glass of milk every night worked while we were still growing, but the supermodel diet restricts foods that can cause bloating, such as dairy and fruits, especially in the first 2 weeks. These can be added back in small amounts gradually later, but choose fat-free versions.   2. Foods High In Fat And Sugar Say goodbye to all your favourites, which I am sure, tend to be high in carbohydrates – breads, sweets, pasta and starchy vegetables are strictly prohibited. Foods high in fat such as fatty cuts of meat (such the succulent medium-rare ribeye steak!) and fried food. Ouch.   3. Alcohol, caffeine, oil and salt You may have figured by now that the Continue Reading

5 Things To Start Now To Look Younger Than Your Friends in 10 Years’ Time

If you ever need a reminder at how fast you might be aging, look at your friends. Women, especially, age at dramatic speed once they hit 35, and after they have had kids. If you are still quite happy with the way you look, congratulations! But time does have its way of creeping up on people, and who’s to say who will look better as they age? Well, I have always been careful of the saying “burning the candle at both ends”, and now, in my late 30s, I am fairly comforted by the fact that I look younger than my real age. It takes a bit of effort, a little investment but you will thank yourself when you go for your next class reunion and log that youthful-looking face in a photo.   Build Up Your Collagen Bank   First of all, think of your skin’s collagen stores like a piggy bank. Collagen is abundant (like how parents put hard-earned money raising children) when we are young, but this Continue Reading

Why You Should Be Careful Of Sun Exposure

I have pigments on both sides of my face, thanks to spending a decade of my younger years studying in Australia. But my right cheek has a pesky brown spot, the size of a 5 cent coin in Singapore. It bothers me. How did I get it? I am almost positive that it all started during one hot summer afternoon when I was stuck in a 3 hour traffic jam travelling from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. After I got out of my car, my right cheek was sunburnt. To be honest, I never really noticed my pigments until they got really obvious. I headed out to the beach during study breaks and lay on the soft white sand, trying to get that stupid sun-kissed tan. I even tried the tanning booth at the gym several times. The burnt spot would go on and turn into a nasty pigment many years later and I am spending good money on skincare products and visits to my doctor’s clinic to make sure Continue Reading