Category: NEWEST

How Does A Man’s Skin Differ From A Woman’s?

Men age like a fine wine, while women age like a glass of milk – as the old saying goes. Unfortunate but true, ladies. We are more prone to earlier facial ageing than our male counterparts (Unfair? We know!). So how are they different? Well, besides having facial hair, there are other structural distinctions between a man’s skin and a woman’s. The ability to grow a beard is just one glaring distinction among many others that are not so obvious. These differences in the skin are important as they create differences in their skin care regime. So, stop and think again the next time you want to share your skincare with your boyfriend! Sebum Production Men’s skin is much oilier than women’s skin, therefore men need products that absorb more readily into the skin and ones that take its oily nature into consideration. While not every single skincare product needs to be gender specific, it’s necessary that any product used to be formulated for the specific skin type. Sebum (oil) Continue Reading

Complexion Fighters: How To Reduce Facial Redness

Well, we all have to admit that we’re kind of into rosy flush to a certain extent, but when that redness turns to dry, inflamed splotchy skin, it’s not as cute. Red blotchy, uneven complexion affects many women at any age – but fortunately you don’t have to endure in silence. If you suffer from facial redness, know that you’re not alone and believe it or not, it’s also a symptom that many A-list celebrities suffer from! Cameron Diaz, Renee Zellweger and Amy Adams are among the celebs who area dealing with the condition. Have you ever wondered how to banish skin redness for good? SKIN has the answer for you. There are products that can help calm your sensitive skin and combat facial redness. In this section, Dr. Low Chai Ling, Medical Director at The SW1 Clinic talks about facial flushing and the best skincare products for getting redness under control. Your Redness: Blushing and flushing, often accompanied by tiny red pimple-like bumps It might mean you have rosacea. Typically Continue Reading

Modern Dandy: Top 5 Aesthetic Treatments For Men Today

This may sound surprising, but men make up approximately one-third of aesthetic procedures done worldwide today. While people generally understand that they are kind of stuck with what they were born with in the past, men today are less fatalistic about their looks and are increasingly turning to aesthetic enhancements to make themselves look and perhaps feel better about themselves. In fact, these procedures are increasingly being viewed as a way of self-improvement, such as wearing nice clothes, or joining the gym to get fit. Men today are more aesthetically conscious compared to men in the past. Whilst still some distance away compared to female counterparts, more and more are at least giving non-invasive aesthetic treatments a try. The fundamental difference is men are still shy of the scalpel and prefer non-invasive procedures with minimal maintenance. We share the top 5 concerns of modern men and discuss highly effective and popular treatments for these.   Acne Scars According to Dr Chua Han Boon from the SW1 Clinic, men are no Continue Reading

Can Deodorant Give You Cancer?

Many are concerned as stories fly from inbox to inbox a few years ago, giving many readers reason to pause when they read the message on the use of antiperspirant can cause cancer. Dr. Philippa Darbre, an oncologist at the University of Reading in the U.K., has published more than 30 research papers on those substances found in underarm antiperspirant products. Her research has detected parabens – a category of chemical that acts as a preservative in some underarms and personal care products. Dr. Philippa’s experiments suggest that combining parabens with human cells create activity that may contribute to the development of cancer. However, her attempts to find these links in human have produced inconsistent results. Current evidence from reputable organisations like the American National Cancer Institute and Cancer Research U.K. suggest the link between deodorant and breast cancer is unconfirmed. But it seems despite the absence of evidence to support the correlation, their search to prove the theory persists. So why take the risk? Well, regardless, don’t sweat it! Continue Reading

3 Reasons To Start Lasers In Your 30s

In your teens and 20s, good skin health is usually a given. A decade ago, I could afford being lazy at times and jump into bed without really cleaning off my makeup, my skin seemed to forgive me quite easily the next day. Fast forward to 33, my skin has turned into the pettiest thing I know. A blemish takes a little longer to heal, and a little too much alcohol makes me regret the puffiness the next morning. The truth is, in our 30s, collagen production slows down and this is the age when neglect in the past starts to creep up on us. Needless to say, any further lack of love and nurture for it and you will see how it will wage war on you in later life. If you have not had the opportunity to start on simple lasers earlier, it is definitely not too late to start it in your 30s. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should get started.   Keep It Continue Reading