Speak of Botox and most will immediately think of wrinkles. But there is more to it. Injected deep into muscle, Botox inhibits certain nerves from firing, and you get weakening of the muscle activity. Here’s when it gets even more interesting. Injected intradermally (very superficially into only skin), it doesn’t weaken muscles at all and gives you a completely different effect. Read More: How To Give Your Breasts An Uplift After Babies BOTOX FOR LIFTING Heard of Botox microinjections for lifting? Injected superficially into the skin in carefully designed vectors, Microrefine Botox can make small jowls disappear, soften hated deep nasolabial lines and give a sharper jawline. This is like a petit facial threadlift except there are no threads used! Read More: DIY Footscrub Right in Your Kitchen BOTOX FOR OIL CONTROL You haven’t heard? Microrefine Botox is also a nifty treatment for oil control and smaller pores! Unlike conventional Botox which is injected directly into muscle, a more diluted solution of Botox is injected very superficially Continue Reading