Category: MUST READ

Top 3 Reasons To Start Lasers In Your 20s

Have you wondered why Jennier Lopez looks like she hasn’t aged a day since she was 21? Apart from lucky genes and healthy habits, it is very likely that she had skin enhancements, which she probably started early and carried these on to her 40s. “When you are in your 20s, it is easy to feel complacent because visible signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles are not of utmost concern. But in fact, this is the decade to start preventive measures to delay the aging clock” says Dr Chua Han Boon, Senior Medical Aesthetics Consultant of the SW1 Clinic. With the advent of so many affordable laser treatments, there are really a lot of choices from hybrid facials to lasers that leave you with just a hint of pink by the time you walk out of the clinic. “The intuitive understanding that people had in the past and today is the same; they understand that in order to stay youthful-looking, they must not be lazy about caring Continue Reading

All You Need to Know About a Non-Surgical Facelift

As you age, you will see one of the following signs of aging on your face and neck such as: Relaxation of the skin of the face causing sagging Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth Fat that has fallen or has disappeared Jowls Loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or “turkey neck” The loss of youthful contours in the face can be due to variety of factors, including thinning of the skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, as well as heredity and stress. Types of facelifts There are two main options to correct the aging changes in the face and neck— surgical facelift and non-surgical facelift. A surgical facelift aims to correct the aging changes of the face and neck through surgery.The vast array of facelift techniques can be bewildering: deep plane, high SMAS, short scar, skin only, MACS lift, SMASectomy and the list goes on. Other procedures that might be Continue Reading

5 Bra Hacks To Make Your Boobs Look Bigger

Life is both fair and unfair. Smaller breasted people, especially the younger ones often relate to lower self-esteem and body image issues growing up. But breast reduction surgeries do exist, and for some reason, most today have come to settle for the middle ground. So the smaller-breasted need not feel too bad, and hopefully these 5 bra hacks will help give your twin peaks a little more “perk”.   1. Get Your Bra In The Correct Size     Breast health research actually exists. And these stress the importance of wearing appropriately sized bras for all women, regardless of size, for health and general well-being! And why not, breasts are actually fleshy weights women are stuck with carrying in one place their entire lives, and these actually put strain on the back. Wearing the right brea size will not only provide support and comfort to your body, it will also make your clothes look better against a well-fitted bra.   2. Get Bras In Material That Support     This Continue Reading

5 Things You Need To Know Before Getting That Lip Filler

The lips are usually not the first feature that people rush to augment, but in the last 5 years, the plump pout has clearly become popular. We are not talking about simple lip liner jobs which only go as far as giving you limited headway with overlining or shading. We are talking about delectably filled lips, like Kylie Jenner’s. But before you rush into it, know that lip filler results may not result in the most natural-looking set of lips. We spoke to Dr Low Chai Ling, founder of the SW1 Clinic, and she gave 5 insider tips to help you sidestep the botched filler job and emerge a winner in the sexy lip lane.   1. You Need To Prepare For It   First of all, leave Kylie Jenner’s photo at home. If you have super thin lips and want to go from nothing to everything at one go, the likelihood of having your lips overfilled is probably 100%. Overfilled lips tend to have the cosmetically made (or botched) Continue Reading

How My Life Changed with a Filler Lift

A  filler lift at The SW1 Clinic gave me a slimmer jawline, fuller cheeks, and an ‘eye-opening’ effect (literally)! I woke up happy today. 10 hours of glorious sleep! But my happiness was shortlived, as I bumped into a friend I haven’t seen in yonks on the way to work. “Germaine?” I yelled out to her with enthusiasm initially. “Serene? Wow! You look tired.” She replied. Yup. That was pretty much all we said for the rest of the train ride. Maybe her comment was a ‘girl thing’, maybe she never liked me much while we were at school. Or maybe it was an ‘asian thing’, speaking our minds candidly. Or it could really be because at the ripe old age of 25, I had undereye circles so dark that I looked like I just spent a year in a cave. My Miracle Lift I was frankly tired of people commenting on how tired I looked everyday, even though I always woke up feeling fresh. I researched on the possible Continue Reading