With the explosion of lunchtime rejuvenation procedures available, many women are at a loss as to what is the most suitable aesthetic treatment for their faces. The issues facing one looking for non-surgical rejuvenation enhancement techniques are: (1) the extent of what they can accomplish (2) the downtime (this varies between individuals, and what constitutes downtime for one may not be so for another) (3) the longevity of the treatment (or how long the results can last). With this in mind, top on the podium of most popular face-enhancing, youth-reviving therapies in the last five years stand Dermal Fillers, Threadlifts and Ultherapy. Anyone who have not been living under a rock would have at some point heard about their benefits in terms of turning back the ageing clock, reducing lines and wrinkles and lifting skin. For those who perhaps may have been living in some kind of rock for the past decade, here is a quick run down of what each of the three aesthetic frontrunners do. DERMAL Continue Reading