How much sweat is too much sweat? There you are, minding your business, limbering up on your mat in a late evening yoga class when you notice another wannabe yogi completely drenched in sweat. You wonder, am I sweating too little? Or does she have a problem? Although it’s one of the things your body does to help you, most of us would rather leave the sweating to the poolside glass of iced tea. That’s because excessive sweating is a lot like watching the Kardashians — tolerable in small doses, unbearable when you’re exposed to too much of it. We speak to private fitness instructor Steven Jim and Dr Chua Han Boon from The SW1 Clinic to give us some insight on this ‘sweaty’ issue. Why Do I Sweat? Sweat helps maintain a normal body temperature. “Sweating is your body’s way of reducing your internal body temperature,” says Dr Chua Han Boon from The SW1 Clinic. When temperatures rise — for any reason — the sweat glands kick in Continue Reading