They say the 40s is the age when people start to look visibly older, but truthfully, in terms of actually looking recognizably older, it is not really that easy to pinpoint the exact age when it begins. But there is a respite, as medical technology brings about new lasers and treatments that temporary halt or slow down the signs of aging. Indeed, there are even medical innovations that claim to reverse these processes, with studies showing changes in expression of genes associated with lifespan and longevity. Here are 5 anti-aging innovations you really should know about. 1. Sculptra Sculptra, or Dream Sculpture, is a cosmetic injectable that contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible medical substance that stimulates intrinsic collagen production. It is an incredible collagen stimulator which allows your own facial tissues to volumize gradually (approximately 2 to 3 months) with your own collagen. This is completely different from dermal fillers which put volume in the face immediately and slowly diminishes over months. Sunken cheek hollows and temples are Continue Reading