Category: NEWEST

The Secret To Looking Eternally Youthful

Ageing brings many wonderful things: Wisdom, experience, a bigger bank account. All good. But truth be told, it adds less desirable things like perpetual dullness, deepening wrinkles and the dreaded sag, too. Fortunately, advances in medical science now allows us to replenish part of what time has eroded away to pare years off the face and restore a naturally refreshed look that just looks like a life well-lived – naturally. Read More: Best Nose Defining Treatments   COLLAGEN – THE BACKBONE OF YOUTH Collagen fibres, the major backbone of the skin becomes damaged as we age. The cells that produce collagen and elastin are especially prone to UV radiation damage. At the same time, hyaluronic acid levels in our skin drop – resulting in a decrease in water content of the skin. The skin then becomes dull, dry and loses some of its youthful suppleness. Finally, certain pockets of fat such as those under the eye and in the midface get slowly deflated over the years, whole others such as Continue Reading

How To Get Rid Of Dark Undereye Circles For Good

So people have been telling me for years that I look tired, even though I haven’t had problems at all with sleep. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with showing concern for a colleague who looks dead beat (or even a stranger), but I guess my dark undereye circles are obvious enough for others to ask about it, so I decided to do something about it. Read More: It’s Time to Get Sexy (Lips)   THINGS THAT DIDN’T WORK Before I begin on the actual solution that worked for me, let me say what didn’t work. 1. More Sleep I already have 8 hours of undisturbed sleep per night, which is ample for someone of my (ripe old) age, so clearly more sleep wasn’t going to help. Moreover mine isn’t really an eyebag problem. It’s a colour issue, so no water retention issues that I needed to solve.   2. Expensive eye creams Need I say more, this was probably about a thousand dollars thrown into the wind. Continue Reading

We Put Salmon DNA to the Test

BY LISA WILLIAMS The latest Korean craze Rejuran anti-ageing microinjections seems to be every youthful celebrity’s weapon du jour. However, my obsession with salmon as an anti-aging extraordinaire started much further back when I first read the book, The Wrinkle Cure, almost a decade ago by celebrity doctor Nicholas Perricone (yes, he of the famed Perricone skincare line). In it, he introduced salmon as a superb source of anti-inflammatory, anti-aging nutrients. In fact, Dr Perricome was a firm advocate of Wild Salmon as it contains essential fats and powerful antioxidants such as the carotenoid, astaxanthin, that have important anti-inflammatory properties. How does this relate to aging? Decades of research show that chronic, sub-clinical inflammation is the single greatest precipitator of aging and age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, certain forms of cancer, and wrinkled, sagging skin. What this means is that it isn’t the big events that make us look at an old leather handbag at 60, it is the small daily insults on our skin that Continue Reading

Glass Skin – The Latest Korean Beauty Trend Everyone Wants

If the idea of dewy, luminous skin bores you, clearly you need something even better. Glass skin is the latest Korean beauty complexion that everyone is going after. Describing perfectly clear, poreless and seemingly transparent skin, the unfortunate part is unless you are Korean or are born with gleaming skin, don’t expect a 10-step Korean beauty regime to work overnight. Instead, glass skin skincare requires dedication and hard work – from regular chemical and mechanical exfoliants to moisture-rich toners, essences, serums, creams and your best hydrating mask. Most of us live in the real world and applying 10 or 11 products twice daily sounds like the greatest punishment for wanting gorgeous, glass-like skin. If you are feeling a little impatient (which is rather normal for us living the fast-tracked life in Singapore), here is a treatment you can try. Read More: The Summer Glow – Get Sexy Skin from Head to Toe   SW1 CLINIC’S GLASS SKIN PROGRAM SHRINKS YOUR PORES Dr Michelle says that this is her new “aesthetic Continue Reading

Let’s Talk About Lip Beautification – An Insider’s Guide

BY LISA WILLIAMS Full lips have always been associated with youth and beauty. Because of this, lip enhancement is one of the most frequently requested procedures in a cosmetic practice. We speak to Dr Low Chai Ling, medical director of SW1 Clinic who takes us through SW1’s six steps to achieve aesthetically pleasing augmented lips. While there is no single prescription for a “perfect” lip, nor a “one size fits all” approach for lip augmentation, these 6 steps created and coined ‘Lip Beautification sextet’ by Dr Low can be used as a basic template for achieving a natural look. Read more: HOW TO (NOT) AGE LIKE A SUPERMODEL!     In virtually all women, since the beginning of recorded history, full lips have been associated with youth, beauty, and voluptuousness. Robust, pouty lips are considered to be sexually attractive by both men and women. Even in a period of economic downturn, women continue to buy products to adorn their lips. The “Lipstick Index,” a term coined by Leonard Lauder, Chairman Emeritus of Continue Reading