Ageing brings many wonderful things: Wisdom, experience, a bigger bank account. All good. But truth be told, it adds less desirable things like perpetual dullness, deepening wrinkles and the dreaded sag, too. Fortunately, advances in medical science now allows us to replenish part of what time has eroded away to pare years off the face and restore a naturally refreshed look that just looks like a life well-lived – naturally. Read More: Best Nose Defining Treatments COLLAGEN – THE BACKBONE OF YOUTH Collagen fibres, the major backbone of the skin becomes damaged as we age. The cells that produce collagen and elastin are especially prone to UV radiation damage. At the same time, hyaluronic acid levels in our skin drop – resulting in a decrease in water content of the skin. The skin then becomes dull, dry and loses some of its youthful suppleness. Finally, certain pockets of fat such as those under the eye and in the midface get slowly deflated over the years, whole others such as Continue Reading