Ageing brings many wonderful things: Wisdom, experience, a bigger bank account. All good. But truth be told, it adds less desirable things like perpetual dullness, deepening wrinkles and the dreaded sag, too. Fortunately, advances in medical science now allows us to replenish part of what time has eroded away to pare years off the face and restore a naturally refreshed look that just looks like a life well-lived – naturally.
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Collagen fibres, the major backbone of the skin becomes damaged as we age. The cells that produce collagen and elastin are especially prone to UV radiation damage. At the same time, hyaluronic acid levels in our skin drop – resulting in a decrease in water content of the skin. The skin then becomes dull, dry and loses some of its youthful suppleness.
Finally, certain pockets of fat such as those under the eye and in the midface get slowly deflated over the years, whole others such as those in the jowls cling on (and even accumulate) with age, resulting in a slow and steady sag of the jawline. Bony structures of the face undergo resorption, worsening the poorly-defined jawline.

Enticing as it may sound, oral collagen supplements cannot zoom into your face to replace skin’s lost collagen. For one, these collagen supplements are made from marine sources, which is different in structure to human collagen. Moreover, collagen protein gets digested into basic amino acids like any other food protein when ingested. The only way to bump up your collagen stores is to stimulate your skin cells to spin your own.
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Made of a fine suspension of poly-L-lactic acid, the collagen stimulator works like “seeds of youth” when sowed within the deep dermis via microinjections to regrow new collagen fibres and rebuild a strong supportive lattice. Poly-L-lactic acid is biocompatible and biodegradable (i.e. it’s naturally resorbed as it works), and has been used safely and successfully for decades in dissolvable stitches and as a facial injectable since 1999 in over 30 countries.
DREAM SCULPTURE rebuilds the tone and strength of wrinkled, slackened skin and improving skin reflectance for a more radiant, refined complexion, while restoring the firm plumpness in larger areas of skin generally and gently without concerns about over-puffiness due to water retention. These properties make Dream Sculpture an excellent choice to enhance skin’s natural resilience against the laugh lines and marionette lines radiating from the mouth like radio-waves announcing your age, and wind back the clock in hollowed cheeks and weakened jawlines – with lasting results of about 2 years.
Most women are afraid of plumping up their faces, but research on facial attractiveness has pointed the the presence of childlike facial features such as full cheeks increase attractiveness.
Over the next few months, the collagen regeneration takes place and instead of having fillers which degrade and deflate in a span of 6 to 12 months, you get the reverse – natural plumping of the skin to the desired youthful state. Something that everyone will notice but no one can tell.
Immediate filling however, is not what Dream Sculpture does. Instead of plumping the skin up right there and then, what one will notice after each treatment of Dream Sculpture is a state of skin plumping which doctors will tell you you will achieve after a series of 3 or 4 injections (depending on how much collagen you have lost over the years). Remember that look, because in about a week, the face loses the water content of the injection and you go right back to looking like how you did before the treatment started. Over the next few months, the collagen regeneration takes place and instead of having fillers which degrade and deflate in a span of 6 to 12 months, you get the reverse – natural plumping of the skin to the desired youthful state. Something that everyone will notice but no one can tell.
More treatments are recommended for progressive buildup for those who have more marked collagen depletion.
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By Megan Thomas