Falling into a sort of no-man’s land between the face and the body, the neck is probably the most neglected with regards to maintenance and beauty. This is compounded by the fact that the skin of the neck has poorer structural support, and that it is often exposed to the sun without any sunscreen. The skin succumbs to gravity and the jawline droops while fat accumulates at unflattering positions such as the double chin and the jowls. So it is not surprising that the aging neck is the most hated feature of people in their 40s, the decade when most things go downhill (and at an alarmingly fast rate). Read More: The Light Way to Staying Forever Young TUCK IN THE LOOSE FOLDS Loose skin and banding of the platysma muscle results in the infamous turkey neck. Loose skin can be tightened with Ulthera, the only non-invasive device that is FDA- approved for skin lifting. By stimulating a healing response that makes one’s skin produce collagen, Ulthera firms and Continue Reading