Speak of probiotic and yogurt comes to mind. Thanks to all the yogurt commercials and Yakult (everyone’s favourite probiotic milk beverage in Asia), you probably know now that probiotics are good for your health. Probiotic drinks are fermented with bacteria strains, most frequently the Lactobacillus ones. Yakult contains Lactobacillus paracasei Shirota, first isolated from the human intestines by a Japanese scientist in the 1930s. Turns out, probiotics aren’t just good for the gut, word has it that they can also transform skin. These are really bacteria that normally live in your gut, but the good ones that curb the overgrowth of yeast and unhealthy bacteria. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT You’ve probably heard of this before, down a jumbo packet of potato chips and face a breakout the next morning. This instinct is spot on. Your body produces more insulin to deal with the sugar and this ramps up oil production and clogs up pores. Avoid processed foods and your skin will usually clear up. The same goes for Continue Reading