This might sound a little redundant, I understand. “Seriously? Just apply them all”, right? Apparently, the order of things does matter. So instead of just piling them on, let’s learn from the pros. Step 1. Cleanse Most people wouldn’t have given much thought to the importance of facial cleansing, but cleansing is more than just cleaning. It is the best way to prep your skin to ensure your skin reaps the benefit from all your other expensive skincare products! Exfoliating every now and then also physically removes dead skin cells (which are really only there to dull your complexion), and also stimulates your skin’s regenerative process. Step 2. Tone “Is a toner really necessary?” – one of the most asked questions. A toner is meant to remove last traces of unwanted skin debris such as oil and makeup, and they also contain ingredients which repairs and soothes the skin’s surface. Cleopatra’s secret was rose water, a natural facial toner, which made her skin soft and smooth. But today’s Continue Reading