Have you wondered why certain faces are attractive to others in general? Is beauty a gift bestowed by God? Or is it actually down to shape and proportion? Beauty Is An Inverted Triangle In the younger years, the midface is wide, the cheekbones are high and well-defined while the lower face is sharper, tapering to a point at the chin. These attributes are also known as the “triangle of youth” with the base of the triangle being at the cheeks. As a person ages, all layers of our face undergo changes. Skin loses collagen and elastin and looks dehydrated and wrinkled. The face looks more deflated because there is also loss of fat under the skin, particularly under the eyes (resulting in undereye sunken hollows) and at the cheeks (resulting in strong nasolabial folds and a saggy jawline). All these are exacerbated by bone loss due to natural aging. A droopy face often looks like the triangle of youth has been inverted, with the lower face becoming more U-shaped. Continue Reading