Most people have vivid memories of their terrifying pimple-faced teenage years. But if you thought acne was frustrating before you turned 20, imagine having to deal with it again later as an adult. Getting acne beyond your pubescent years can be the most frustrating thing, especially since the rise of social media has placed a lot of emphasis on appearances Indeed, the coining of “instaworthy shots” has social medial platforms such as Instagram resembling more and more of an aesthetics feed with fashion bloggers who work as social media influencers selling images of perfect, porcelain clear skin. How To Tell If You Have Hormonal Acne At puberty, hormonal breakouts usually develop across the face. In one’s twenties or older, hormonal acne is usually concentrated around the cheeks, jaw and chin. Another hint of adult hormonal acne is these tend to be deep, painful cysts which are sensitive or tender to touch. Cystic acne are nasty not only because they hurt and are gross, they can also potentially cause unsightly scars. Continue Reading