I Tried It! – How Fillers Took 10 Years Off My Face In 30 Minutes

BY LISA WILLIAMS   At some point, it’s hard to ignore the vivid signs of ageing I see in the mirror. I always felt that my face could be sharper and more V-shaped, but I’ve noticed my face has become more “bottom heavy” and saggy in the past year. My eyes look so dull and permanently tired, it makes me look listless and older than my actual age despite all the eye serums and facials I’ve tried. Perhaps more than anything else, I’m most affected when people say I look older than my husband. With my birthday coming next month, I’ve finally plucked up enough courage to dip my toes into unchartered waters – FILLERS to lift my face! I know that I don’t want anything invasive but I know I am ready for any sort of non-surgical facelift (if there is such a thing)! I’ve chosen to go to SW1 Clinic at my friend’s recommendation.   More importantly,  one of my close friends have been there before and I’ve heard great things about Continue Reading