Category: BEAUTY

How to Get the Perfect Wedding Day Smile

You have chosen the perfect venue, your dream wedding gown and decided on your favorite flowers. The only thing left to do: look radiantly beautiful. Skin – check; body – diet plan and gym check; hair – check; makeup – check; beautiful smile – errhh…? Consider this – you will probably never smile more in a single day than you would on your wedding day, and get documented in photographs and videos for all posterity. Your brilliant smile would most definitely make a bigger impression than the 6-tiered cake and possibly your fabulous dress. So let’s start the countdown in your quest for the perfect wedding smile. Months Before: Avoid staining your pearly whites Rich-coloured beverages such as soda, coffee, dark tea, and red wine tend to stain teeth, as do foods like blueberries, cherries, and soy sauce. The rough rule of the thumb is – if it stains white cotton, it’ll probably stain your teeth too. But beware of white wine – all wines, whether white or red, can Continue Reading

5 Things Girls With Heavy Eyelids Will Understand

First world problem right? But the struggle is real and for some, goes beyond cosmetic concerns. 1. On a sunny day, you sometimes panic because your field of vision is partially blocked. Don’t panic, raise your brows quickly, and if you can see, it was definitely because of eyelid hooding caused by your eyelids! You will get some relief from wearing sunglasses or wearing a hat, because it will reduce your tendency to squint and worsen the hooding.     2. You download apps like Meitu which can “photoshop” your eyes into a flattering shape. Slant it, widen it, brighten it, and even enhance your eyes with some digital makeup! A permanent and more realistic fix of course, is the upper lid blepharoplasty – the double eyelid surgery. Dr Tan Ying Chien, Head of Plastic Surgery from the SW1 Clinic recommends the incisional blepharoplasty, which is more suitable for those with sagging or excess skin, or excess fatty deposits which can be removed at the same time. Read more: Double Continue Reading

Permanent Paint – What You Need to Know About Tattoos

Tattoos are getting increasingly popular in the past decade. While a tattoo brings to mind secret societies, bikers or branded outcasts previously, it’s a common sighting on the young and trendy now. A survey estimated that about 36% of Americans aged between 18 to 30 years have at least one tattoo. Up to 65% of ink bearers are women.   So what exactly is the allure of the tattoo? Perhaps, it is the promise that an ordinary unadorned stretch of skin will be transformed into a canvas for a permanent, powerful and unique statement – either artistic or counter-cultural – of cool for some. For other ladies, they may have tattoos masked as “permanent makeup” such as eyebrow hair imitation, or permanent lip liner and eye liner. Whatever the motivation for getting inked permanently, here’s what you need to know about tattoos, safety tips, the possible health risks involved, and your removal options if you change your mind. What It Involves A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made Continue Reading

Seeing Red With Retinol – Are You Commiting These Mistakes?

Retinol is the secret weapon in a dermatologist’s anti-aging arsenal. It is effective as an anti-wrinkling agent, is often used for getting rid of pesky pigmentation, its collagen stimulating effects helps to texturise skin and erase fine lines and it is anti-acne! But as with all miraculous weapons made, operating them is an entirely different matter – you could be seeing no results with your retinol product, or literally seeing red. If you want your skin to really start reaping the benefits of retinol, avoid these 4 major retinol skincare mistakes.   Mistake #1. Pairing It Wrongly Have you ever been in a relationship where things between both of you felt so incompatible and basically the lack of chemistry took the sparks right out every date? Well, skincare can be like that. Pairing stuff wrongly can cancel things out for both products, and nothing will work. For example, retinol and vitamin C should not be mixed because they work best at very different acidic ph’s. That is not to say Continue Reading

Confession: I Tried This IPL Photofacial Every Month For 5 Months

Before I start, you might be wondering what the big deal is about. IPL or not, it’s just a facial, right? If it was just a facial, perhaps, but the Illumi facial I tried at the SW1 Clinic is one of their signature hybrids, where you get to try a facial which combines the comfort of a spa treatment and the efficacy of a clinical treatment as well. So what really makes this hybrid facial stand out from the rest? Illumi Brightens Up Any Dull Complexion Immediately Without Downtime My therapist was Rae, who removed my makeup and cleansed my skin. She then covered my eyes with a set of goggles. Then she applied a cold, clear gel to my face before she applied the first zap of IPL on face, starting from my jawline. I read that IPL can be painful, but I am happy to report that the Illumi facial was anything but that. As the treatment progressed I did feel the handpiece warm up, but it was Continue Reading