Tattoos may seem like a good idea in the moment, but sometimes, tattoos are inked on impulse. We spoke to Dr Kenneth Lee, founder of the SW1 Clinic (who also co- founded The Sloane Clinic in 2003) about tattoo regret. SKINMAG: Do you often see patients who have tattoo regret? Dr Kenneth Lee: Yes, I have seen quite a few over the last decade. They range from pretty young to working professionals who regretted the tattoos they got in their younger years, because the tattoos didn’t fit their lifestyle anymore. The tattoos range from professional, self-inked, very new, old, black tattoos and multi-coloured ones. SKINMAG: What kind of tattoos do people normally regret? Dr Kenneth Lee: Usually people regret tattoos that label them, such as gang tattoos. I have had to help a young man remove massive yakuza style tattoos on his chest, back and both legs because he wanted to become a policeman. Sometimes people remove easily visible tattoos such as those on the fingers and wrists Continue Reading