Category: EXTRAS

Lose The Holiday Weight Gained – How Supermodels Diet

After some serious holiday bingeing, if your skinny jeans feel a little tight, it might be time to rest up from all the unhealthy eating and start a heathier diet. Here are some tips on how supermodels diet, for you to lose the weight fast! Avoid   1. Foods That Cause Bloating Well, perhaps a glass of milk every night worked while we were still growing, but the supermodel diet restricts foods that can cause bloating, such as dairy and fruits, especially in the first 2 weeks. These can be added back in small amounts gradually later, but choose fat-free versions.   2. Foods High In Fat And Sugar Say goodbye to all your favourites, which I am sure, tend to be high in carbohydrates – breads, sweets, pasta and starchy vegetables are strictly prohibited. Foods high in fat such as fatty cuts of meat (such the succulent medium-rare ribeye steak!) and fried food. Ouch.   3. Alcohol, caffeine, oil and salt You may have figured by now that the Continue Reading

5 Bra Hacks To Make Your Boobs Look Bigger

Life is both fair and unfair. Smaller breasted people, especially the younger ones often relate to lower self-esteem and body image issues growing up. But breast reduction surgeries do exist, and for some reason, most today have come to settle for the middle ground. So the smaller-breasted need not feel too bad, and hopefully these 5 bra hacks will help give your twin peaks a little more “perk”.   1. Get Your Bra In The Correct Size     Breast health research actually exists. And these stress the importance of wearing appropriately sized bras for all women, regardless of size, for health and general well-being! And why not, breasts are actually fleshy weights women are stuck with carrying in one place their entire lives, and these actually put strain on the back. Wearing the right brea size will not only provide support and comfort to your body, it will also make your clothes look better against a well-fitted bra.   2. Get Bras In Material That Support     This Continue Reading

5 Easy Ways to Amp Up Your Skin’s Luminosity

I have always spied on Korean drama actresses and wondered the secret to the Korean dewy skin. You’ve probably heard of it – the rave about perfect, poreless, fair, dewy complexion has now been amplified to another level. If you are one of the lucky ones who got bored of luminous dewy skin, here’s another shot for you – Glass Skin. In pursuit of the perfect complexion, the next move up the dewy skin ladder is “Glass skin”. This requires a dedicated buff-and-shine skin regime to achieve that clear, crystalline, water-glow effect, like a piece of clear glass. Clear, dewy skin has always been a sign of youth in parts of Asia. And now, like a fancy and much anticipated iPhone or Samsung upgrade, clear, glassy skin looks set to overtake its predecessor. For those who have not heard of it yet, glass skin refers to perfectly smooth, clear, crystalline, shiny skin, like a piece of clear glass. We spoke to Dr Michelle Lim from The SW1 Clinic on tips Continue Reading

Bring the Sexy Back: How to Banish Back Acne & Marks

Whether you are fashion girl basking in the southern summer sun or braving the northern winter winds, the allure of the sexy back is eternal, season after season, year after year. So does back acne (or bacne, in short) and its scarring aftermath – which can serve as one of those helpful reminders that the universe tends toward chaos and complications. Acne is like the worst kind of house guest: It shows up uninvited at the least convenient time, overstays its welcome, and leaves a mess after it’s gone. The breakouts on your chest and back tend to be a little different than the acne on your face. While some may see zits on their shoulders, chest and back just their facial acne, many cases of isolated bacne spots may be technically folliculitis, which is when the hair follicle becomes infected. However, it looks the same as facial pimples and is treated the same skincare ingredients and medications.   Bolt To The Shower After Your Workout One of the first Continue Reading

Acne Fighting Guide – Pit Bacteria Against Bacteria to Get Rid Of Acne

The ultimate guide to fighting acne would usually include using acne products such as a deep cleanser, an astringent toner, pimple creams, and oil-free moisturizers. Doctors will usually include a topical antibiotic preparation into the regime, or start their patients on oral antibiotics. A recent trend in skincare for troubled skin is the use of topical probiotics. Yes, I am referring to applying things like Acidophilus on your skin. In case it doesn’t ring a bell, probiotics contain live bacterial cultures, exactly like those you find in yogurt, or what my 3 year old son likes – Yakult. In fact, people who regularly consume fermented food such as the Japanese natto (really smelly, fermented beans), korean kimchi, kombucha and kefir or those who take probiotic supplements have noted reduction in their acne. The basis for this is that scientists have found that people with healthy, clear skin have antimicrobial peptides that are produced by bacteria which selectively act against acne-causing bacteria.   Why Probiotics Are Good For Acne-Prone Skin In Continue Reading