As a fellow sufferer of dark eye circles, I understand your pain. For some, sleeping earlier might solve all their problems. But not for me. At this point, dark eye circles are more annoying than anything. Even with concealor, my dark eye circles are still very noticeable. So much so that new friends will ask if I am a night owl. On the contrary, I typically sleep before 12am. How am I still a victim of dark eye circles? So, I have scavenged the web and found some remedies that will hopefully help me get rid of my nemesis for good.
Home Remedies
According to this article, they recommend applying a cold compress under the eyes. Apparently, it helps to reduce puffy eyes and reduce dark circles. For 20 minutes, apply a cloth wrapped with ice cubes under your eyes. Alternatively, they also recommend putting cold tea bags under the eyes as caffeine from the tea helps with stimulating blood circulation. This can help shrink the blood vessels at the undereye area. Simply soak black or green tea bags in hot water and then refrigerate the tea bags for 15 minutes. After that, apply the cooled tea bags under your eyes for 20 minutes. To be honest, I have my doubts about this method. I feel that the effects would be too subtle and would not make a huge difference to the appearance of the dark eye circles. I guess the consolation I would have would be refreshed eyes and a cup of warm tea.
I am less skeptical about the promised result of this product. This is because it is formulated by aesthetic doctors who know what they are doing. It is way more promising than home remedies, which, more often than not, fail to produce results. The Dream Cream promises to diminish visible signs of ageing and dark eye circles. Furthermore, there is also a lavender tint to the product. For those who know a thing or two about colour correction, you would know that purple helps to cancel out the yellow dullness of the undereye region. At the same time, they also moisturize and firm the eye area. This would be very beneficial for fellow eye-rubbers! The wrinkles under my eyes are definitely not going away on their own.
Aesthetic Procedure
If I had to place my bets on any method working, it would definitely have to be the RevitaLift Eye procedure. Under certain lighting, the dark eye circles tend to look sunken. This is probably where this procedure helps to fill up the sunken areas with hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring element in our bodies) to lighten the dark circles. Sunken undereye areas also tend to add years to your age in terms of appearance. Puffing up the under eyes a little would give a more youthful appearance!
I can’t help but think of how much trouble I would save if I didn’t have dark eye circles. I probably wouldn’t have to use concealor under my eyes, no need to worry about creasing my concealor, and no need to think of what to say when people ask why I’ve been pulling all-nighters. I’d probably save a lot of time without those dark eye circles. And if I don’t have pimples. But that’s a conversation for another day!