As a fellow sufferer of dark eye circles, I understand your pain. For some, sleeping earlier might solve all their problems. But not for me. At this point, dark eye circles are more annoying than anything. Even with concealor, my dark eye circles are still very noticeable. So much so that new friends will ask if I am a night owl. On the contrary, I typically sleep before 12am. How am I still a victim of dark eye circles? So, I have scavenged the web and found some remedies that will hopefully help me get rid of my nemesis for good. Home Remedies According to this article, they recommend applying a cold compress under the eyes. Apparently, it helps to reduce puffy eyes and reduce dark circles. For 20 minutes, apply a cloth wrapped with ice cubes under your eyes. Alternatively, they also recommend putting cold tea bags under the eyes as caffeine from the tea helps with stimulating blood circulation. This can help shrink the blood vessels at Continue Reading