The idea that I can have my butt toned by just lying down for 30 minutes sounds amazing. In fact, it sounds too good to be true. Yet, the latest technology to join the non-surgical fat reduction gang of treatments, magnetic muscle sculpting has gotten people obsessed, because although effortless, it is a kind of supplementation to exercise. There are no drugs to take, no needles and knives to bear.
First of all, this is mainly painless, but not sensation-free. It feels exactly like a really intense butt workout. Starting from a lower power, this is gradually turned up to stress-stimulate the muscle to induce timed, controlled contractions. After a series of contractions, it moves on to a tapping mode to help break down lactic acid released by the muscles.
MMS can be applied over your clothes too. It uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to cause supramaximal contractions which are involuntary. Its benefits are two-fold: firstly it stimulates muscle contractions which builds muscle fibers for more definition, and also causes a fat-burning effect.
How does this compare to non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as fat cryolipolysis? Treatments such as Coolshape target fat directly, so if you have a lot of fat cells so shed, doctors recommend doing this first and then follow this up with magnetic muscle sculpting for toning and definition.
For a more intensive workout, people usually start their 30 minute sessions 2 or 3 times a week, and after a few weeks, maintain the results at 1 session a week. You will feel slightly sore after each session, like you have done some serious squats and lunges the day before.
We should emphasize that magnetic muscle sculpting isn’t the answer if you aren’t willing to make sacrifices to your lifestyle, such as changing cutting down on sweets and pasta. And if you are already working out a little every week, you will probably see even more noticeable results.