Year: 2018

Doctors Say These Are The Best Ways to Brighten Skin

VITAMIN THERAPY They say “A Vitamin a Day keeps Age Away”. This pampering facial called Vitamin Therapy saturates your skin with vital vitamins and nutrients that are essential for skin healing, skin radiance and brightening. Use of sonophoresis – sound waves open up channels in the skin, enabling deep penetration of vitamin-rich ingredients into the dermis where they work their complexion magic. I was pleased to see that a single session restored a certain glow back into my skin!   BABY SKIN PROGRAM Rechristened as the “BB Aquatouch” laser, the Baby Skin Program uses a Fraxel Thulium laser that treats in the 1927nm wavelength which is particularly adept at clearing sun-damaged skin and stubborn pigmentation. Fans of this skin brightening program love its “photoshop” effect. Indeed, the skin looks enviably more luminous and feels baby smooth in as early as one sesson. A post-laser add-on makes use of this golden opportunity to further nourish the skin in a skin whitening stem cell extract containing Glutathione, a powerful anti-aging and skin Continue Reading

5 Signs That Make You Look Older Than Wrinkles Do

Your face changes as you age. We often look for fine lines and wrinkles but there are other signs of aging that deserve attention. In particular, look out for these 5 signs that beauty experts universally agree that should be taken care judiciously before its too late.   JOWLS Losing the chiseled jawline is usually devastating for both men and women alike. With growing age, the skin produces less collagen and becomes thinner and less elastic over time. As the skin loses its natural fullness and resilience, it becomes vulnerable to gravity and the skin begins to sag. “Jowls” are unflattering pouches of skin below the jawline on both sides of the chin.   Say goodbye to sagging jowls with Ultherapy, a non-invasive skin lifting treatment. Using high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), Ultherapy is the only FDA-approved treatment for skin lifting and tightens the skin naturally over the following months for a beautifully natural effect. Read More: 5 Best Ways to Banish Skin Redness Forever   DROOPY EYELIDS Getting the Continue Reading

5 Best Beauty Fixes Under 30 Minutes That Deliver Great Skin

Have an event to attend and need some beauty fixing in a flash? If you don’t have much time to primp for a party, here are the best fixes that will help you look stunning in an instant.   DULL SKIN PEELERS Need your skin to feel baby soft and glow within 30 minutes? Short of taking a scrub and exfoliating, is there no other way to get rid of dull skin? Try a mild chemical peel which gently exfoliates and peels away the topmost layer of dead skin cells instead, exposing baby smooth skin underneath. Chemical peels such as the Retinol Peel and Glamour Peel are potent anti-agers which resets and freshens up your entire appearance. The peeling agent in Retinol Peel is vitamin A, which also gives skin the smooth, rejuvenated results with added anti-aging benefits!   PIMPLE ZAPPERS There is nothing quite as maddening as a painful pimple, especially if there is no way you can hide it. Applying anti-zit creams will probably help, but only if Continue Reading

Beauty Treatments Under 60 Minutes That Can Change Your Skin

Party season is approaching, and whilst most of us are looking forward to that big holiday or party, some of us might be thinking of having something done to undo the toil that work or stress has done to our appearances first. Here are the best no-nonsense treatments that topped our list because of their amazing abilities to change the skin in less than 60 minutes.   HYALURONIC ACID FILLERS Age and weight loss may rob the face of its youthful volume and leave it looking tired and old. Those with sunken cheeks and strong nasolabial lines can restore volume to their midfaces with volume high definition lift, which places hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers strategically in the cheeks, giving the midface a much-desired natural-looking lift and restore subtle, youthful curves at the same time. But that’s not all. HA fillers can be used to augment a flat nose bridge, a short or receding chin and even fill in deeply etched wrinkles. These natural fillers are biodegradable – your body breaks Continue Reading

The 5 Best Things To Do At Home For Better Skin

Skincare regimens today can be a little confusing (or excessive) for some. Seriously, there are hundreds of ingredients for every skin issue, so how does one choose? And there are only so many things we can apply to our skin everyday. Our skin is fragile and stressful lifestyles, less-than-optimal diets as well as environmental pollution cause our skin to look dull and dry. You may not be able to change these but there are certainly ways to regain that glow and radiance. So fret not, here are the simplest, yet most effective home remedies for natural, flawless-looking skin.   SECRET INGREDIENT #1 RETINOL This is the secret ingredient in every dermatologist’s beauty armoury, and the skin hero everyone needs in their skincare regime for a flawless complexion. A type of compound related to vitamin A, retinol can be found in over-the-counter skincare products and is converted to the active version once in contact with skin. It works to increase cellular turnover, stimulate production of collagen (therefore smoothens fine lines and Continue Reading