When it comes to their faces, a model’s face is literally her fortune. That’s why they will go to great lengths to ensure their number one assets are primed, prepped and ready every day. We speak to models in the industry on what they will not ever put on their faces
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1. Generic fillers

Facial fillers are injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body. Fillers are unfortunately not all made the same. While most reputable fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm Voluma are made from pure hyaluronic acid, some generic brand fillers can contain dubious substances including silicone, which is a permanent substance (causing permanent problems). If models need a little filler fix to plump up their pouts or erase their nasolabial folds, they don’t shop around for the cheapest filler, they go for the best and most reputable FDA approved brands.
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2. Too-Strong lasers
Downtime is a no-no for most working models. “I like to squeeze in a quick laser facial on my one off day a week, but I am usually back in front of the cameras the next day, so I can’t afford any downtime” explains Helena, a 20 year old model from Thailand. “My go-to quick fixes is BB Aquatouch as it gives me baby soft skin with minimal downtime, very important for my job.”According to Dr Low Chai Ling, founder of SW1 Clinic, regular gentle treatments may reap bigger benefits in the long run, and without the risk of hyperpigmentation or scarring. “My patients benefit as much if not more from a series of gentle lasers than from a one-off session of a stronger laser,” she says. This can be due to the higher melanin content found within asian skins which leave them more susceptible to laser complications, she says. Therefore, gentle is the way to go.
What many models like are also a new generation of hybrid facials that are go deeper than traditional facials, but does not have any downtime, discomfort or expense of a laser treatment. Must trys are: Illumifacial and Vitamin Therapies, both popular amongst the modelling set for their rapid glow delivery.

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3. Expired Cosmetics
It’s always tempting to reach for that favourite shade of lipstick even though it is way past its sell-by date. Because cosmetics contain pigment dyes, you cannot see the colour change and may not realise the product has gone bad till it is too late. Expired cosmetics can harbor mould, bacteria, yeast which can cause outbreaks and allergic reactions on your skin. Even unexpired cosmetics when left on your skin for prolonged periods can oxidise and start to wreck havoc on your pores. Insufficient cleaning of your skin can result in debris build-up, another common cause of adult acne. All models who wear makeup like its their second skin recommend a non-oily, effective face and eye makeup remover that you can reach for daily and be guaranteed of a fresh new start the next morning.
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4, Body Cream on their face
“I once had a buddy who used foot cream on her face and lost a major job because she broke out in pimples the next day” says Gigi, 22 year old model from KL. Foot cream is an extremely concentrated product because it’s designed to remove the incredibly thick, tough and stubborn skin on your foot. Applying it to your sensitive face can cause a lot of damage. Furthermore, body products tend to be more heavily scented to cater to the market, and the higher fragrance concentration may lead to skin allergies. One trick models use is to carry Calming Balm in their travel bags. Initially meant for post laser use to reduce redness, it is an all-round skin salve to soothe all types of facial irritations and to counter any skin mishaps while on the go.
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5. Petroleum jelly
This was all the rage some years back when women tried to recreate the dewy skin look. Some makeup bloggers then started the trend of using petroleum jelly on their on their cheeks to better hold onto their blush and powder as it was a cheap product. There is a reason why it is cheap. Petroleum jelly. It is a highly comedogenic product. Not only will seriously clog your pores, it is very hard to wash out. “I have never met a professional makeup artist who uses petroleum jelly to hold blush and makeup” says Katie, a 25 year old cover girl from Hong Kong. “To create a dewy look, it is all about using the right highlighters on the skin. For organic oils that will not clog skin, try Emerald oil made from grapeseed and rosehip. It gives skin a natural dewy effect”.

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6. Big Facial Changes
You won’t see models making the mistake of making big changes to their faces. They are very careful about the sort of changes they want for their face and the sort of outcome they want. They are also prepared to take the time to get there. “Step-wise improvements to the face and skin can help you control the sort of outcome that you get,” says Dr Low who usually recommends some cosmetic fixes to her patients she deems ‘already beautiful’. “The thing about good-looking people is that they want to look even better,” she says. “They are also keen to maintain the looks they have. But want the reassurance whatever they do won’t make them look worse.”
That’s why small enhancements like Babydrop fillers, micro-filler to spot treat targeted flaws and preventative therapies such as Youth Savant, a DNA healer to rejuvenate skin prove so popular among the jetsetters.
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