There’s something about a strong, defined chin that’s captivating. A well-balanced facial proportions is one aspect of a beautiful face and the key to balancing out the face lies in the chin.

A receded chin lends the face a shortened appearance. The profile of a receded chin is even more obvious from the side. One further disadvantage of a receded chin is its propensity to enhance the appearance of your double chin.
By bringing the chin forward, you can immediately enhance the appearance of the overall facial shape. Another advantage is that a strong chin can mask any signs of double chin, and give the neck the illusion of a more slender silhouette.
To achieve this upgrade, physicians are using advanced liquid face lift products, including dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm and even anti-wrinkle Botox, to contour the chin, without undergoing surgery.
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Receding Chin Contouring
“A weak chin can play a vital role in diminishing a person’s overall appearance as the chin is an anchor point for the eye. A profile with a weak chin will always look less attractive than a well-proportioned one. When you have a weak chin, it tends to detract from the rest of your face, making the face, nose and neck appear larger than they actually are.”Explains Dr. Low Chai Ling, founder of SW1 Clinic.

“When it comes to the chin, there’s almost always a genetic component as to why it’s weak or under projected. Others lose their chin definition as they age as skeletal recession and facial atrophy takes its toll.”
Filler Fix: To enhance a weak chin, FDA-approved natural filler can be placed directly on the chin area to help rebuild the prominence of the chin. If a receding chin is accompanied by jowls, then lifting the jowls will give the lower face better proportion, reducing the appearance of a under-formed chin. “Cheek contouring helps to improve the appearance of a weak chin by using natural liquid face lift products such as Juvederm or Restylane on the areas of the cheek bones or sub-malar region. As a result, the chin stands out more as volume is added. It gently lift the jowls up and away.”

Prejowl Sulcus Contouring
As we age, a hollowing of an area on either side of the chin that is accentuated by the formation of jowls tends to form. This is due to skeletal volume loss and facial atrophy. Natural dermal fillers are commonly used by physicians in a couple of ways to help correct the pre-jowl sulcus.
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Filler Fix: “To fill the hollow pre-jowl sulcus, advanced dermal fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane are typically placed in the deep dermis below the skin in the depressed area between and chin and the jowl. This procedure can restore a significant natural contour from the cheek to chin in many individuals.” Explains Dr Low further. In some cases, physicians will use a combination of techniques to optimise contouring of the results by placing dermal fillers along the jaw line and cheeks to replace volume loss and help to alleviate this condition.
BOTOX Fix: BOTOX will also be used in an area that is a little below and to the outside of the oral commissure lines to help lift the corners of the mouth which will then improve the pre-jowl sulcus.
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Overly Prominent Chin Contouring
Some individuals have very prominent chin or sometimes it seems out of proportion to the remainder of the face. This can again be hereditary or in some cases, from hypertrophy of the mentalist muscle.
When it comes to correcting an overly prominent chin, the procedure is slightly more difficult. This will usually require surgical intervention.
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BOTOX Fix: If the prominence of the chin is contributed by over development of the mentalis chin muscle from over use, then some physicians will inject BOTOX into the origin of the muscle at the bottom of the chin to reduce the muscle contractility, which may help shrink the overdeveloped muscle of the chin.
Tempted for a facial upgrade? Perhaps it’s time to speak to your physicians to learn more about chin enhancement procedures.
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