Pregnancy can bring on a flood of conflicting feelings. While you may be revelling in being pregnant, we understand that sometimes it can be hard to revel in looking pregnant – the expanding belly, plummeting energy levels, changing skin and a chronic klutzi’ness that makes even basic grooming a challenge. So here’s a little help on getting your beauty act back as your precious one grows. Hey babe, you earned it, deserve it and totally need it! WATCH YOUR WEIGHT The average weight woman puts on between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Packing on excess pounds increases your risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and gestational diabetes, which can have an impact on both you and your unborn child. It’s quality (i.e. a healthy, balanced diet), not quantity of food, that counts to provide sufficient key nutrients to support healthy foetal growth. In general, you do not need extra calories at all for the first two trimesters. A humble increase of about 200kcal per day is recommended to Continue Reading