You know that frustratingly gorgeous friend of yours? The one who puts on some Chapstick and walks out the door, no problem, and still gets carded at way past 21? Scientists have finally figured out what her deal is. And no, it’s not (just) plastic surgery. Not Too Little, Not Too Much Goldilocks’ principle of “Not too little. Not too much. Just nice” applies here. Women who use cosmetic tweaks judiciously have been shown to get away with looking more attractive without the overt tell-tale signs of the ‘over-done’ look. The Smart: Smart women use a variety of skin lasers and lifting techniques to maintain their looks. “I get Thermage done once a year, and I use Lustrous Skin Program’s Fraxel light lasers to ensure my complexion stay bright and fair all year round. Every six weeks, I go for Monroe Hydrafacial at The SW1 Clinic” says Cindi, a youthful-looking marketing exec in her 40s. The Not-so-Smart: Sticking to one treatment just because it worked for you 10 years ago is Continue Reading