As the saying goes, “The eye is the mirror of the soul”. The doe-eyed look has always been popular with women and men alike. Generally speaking, men like women with bigger eyes. Our lashes frame the eyes and long, thick, dark lashes make the eyes appear more vivid and attractive. But not everyone is blessed with a set of big, attractive eyes. In fact, approximately 50 percent of all Asians are born with single eyelids – eyelids without an upper lid crease. And even for those with double eyelids, those with hooded lids understand the importance of eyeliners, yet these are so annoyingly tricky because eye makeup invariably smudges. Truth be told, the Asian obsession with big eyes is so huge, people are wearing “dolly eye” contact lenses and there are even apps such as Meitu which helps “photoshop” in double eyelids for the perfect Instagram post. For the desolute, what can you do? SKINMAG gives you the lowdown on 3 treatments options for getting the coveted upper eyelid crease. Continue Reading