Tag: PDRN Singapore

The Truth about Acne Scars

Scars from acne can seem like a double punishment – first you had to suffer through the oily pimply skin and now, you have unsightly marks to remind you. Some people ignore their scars and some wear them with pride, but if like the rest of us, you want a smoother complexion, fret not, there are a variety of ways to help improve the appearance or get rid of your old acne scars.   POTIONS & PEELS The common ingredients in topical creams for acne scars include Vitamin A, which helps with stimulation of collagen, and Vitamin C, Kojic acid, arbutin, that help to lighten the pigmentation associated with early scars (post inflammatory changes). A chemical peel involves the application of a high potency acid upon the skin, and the more potent the acid, the deeper the penetration into the skin. You may want to consider Professional Chemical Peels that are excellent in lightening the post inflammatory marks and reducing the oiliness, which also helps to control new acne outbreaks. Continue Reading

Fabulous At 40 – The Best Age Retarding Treatments To Do In Your 40s

The forties may reveal some signs of wear on our faces. Fine lines may look more obvious and the usual folds outside the eyes or on the forehead may be more noticeable. The skin may become more dull-looking as the skin renewal process slows down. Thankfully, besides turning back the clock in time, there are some things that we can do to maintain our youthful looks.   Botox Prejuvenation Wrinkles develop along usually predictable areas – lines of expression. The way to literally prevent wrinkles from appearing is not having expressions at all! Unless you want to look like Frankenstein, it is probably better to go about this with small Botox injections into parts of the forehead, frown lines and outside the eyes to reduce the strength of these muscles. Botox is commonly misconstrued as unnatural-looking but in faces where the lines are not deep or only appear during strong expression, a little goes a long way and it can really delay the appearance of these depressing permanent wrinkles by Continue Reading