Plump lips, petite noses and large eyes. These are universal traits found in the most beautiful faces of the world. Ask a beauty expert and they will speak of “golden proportions” dating all the way back to the ancient greeks who discovered a mathematical proportion to all things beautiful – Phi (1.618). As a face approximates this ratio, the more beautiful the face perceived. The underlying message is – we judge beauty subconsciously by symmetry and proportion. It follows then, that there is also a precise formula to achieving a beautiful pout. The ideal ratio of the volume of the upper to lower lip is 1: 1.16. So the lower lip should appear slightly more full than the upper lip. Learn about 3 lip rules and accompanying tips for a youthful and attractive-looking pout. Rule #1 Lip ageing is real Doctors say that around the age of 40, the philtrum – groove of the upper lip would have drooped between 3 to 15mm. Restore or change lip proportions to Continue Reading