Tag: lip fillers

What You Always Wanted to Know About Lip Fillers

The eyes are the first to go, followed by the skin, mid-face and lips. But changes tend to occur so gradually that it might take a minute (or a chance glance at the lipstick counter) to notice things just aren’t the way they were. We’ve all heard about lip fillers in Singapore as a quick boost for our pouts. We’ve also seen the scary consequences of overdone lips in celebrity gossip magazines. To find out more about the uses of lip fillers and how to avoid looking like Donald Duck’s long-lost cousin, SKIN spoke to Dr Kenneth Lee from The SW1 Clinic for insider’s tips and tricks of volume control.   LINE-PLUMPING & HYDRATION BOOST Sited front and center, a pair of invitingly supple, smooth lips forms the basics of a beautifully healthy and youthful face. For one, you’ll never spot unsightly lipstick lines or parched patches on celebrity kissers, regardless of size. “Some of the first signs of aging lips are dullness and appearance of lines,” shared Dr Lee. “Not Continue Reading

5 Things You Need To Know Before Getting That Lip Filler

The lips are usually not the first feature that people rush to augment, but in the last 5 years, the plump pout has clearly become popular. We are not talking about simple lip liner jobs which only go as far as giving you limited headway with overlining or shading. We are talking about delectably filled lips, like Kylie Jenner’s. But before you rush into it, know that lip filler results may not result in the most natural-looking set of lips. We spoke to Dr Low Chai Ling, founder of the SW1 Clinic, and she gave 5 insider tips to help you sidestep the botched filler job and emerge a winner in the sexy lip lane.   1. You Need To Prepare For It   First of all, leave Kylie Jenner’s photo at home. If you have super thin lips and want to go from nothing to everything at one go, the likelihood of having your lips overfilled is probably 100%. Overfilled lips tend to have the cosmetically made (or botched) Continue Reading