So people have been telling me for years that I look tired, even though I haven’t had problems at all with sleep. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with showing concern for a colleague who looks dead beat (or even a stranger), but I guess my dark undereye circles are obvious enough for others to ask about it, so I decided to do something about it. Read More: It’s Time to Get Sexy (Lips) THINGS THAT DIDN’T WORK Before I begin on the actual solution that worked for me, let me say what didn’t work. 1. More Sleep I already have 8 hours of undisturbed sleep per night, which is ample for someone of my (ripe old) age, so clearly more sleep wasn’t going to help. Moreover mine isn’t really an eyebag problem. It’s a colour issue, so no water retention issues that I needed to solve. 2. Expensive eye creams Need I say more, this was probably about a thousand dollars thrown into the wind. Continue Reading