Is your chin giving others a weak impression of you? In the world of boxing, a fighter’s chin is a term that refers to the ability to withstand trauma to the chin or jaw without being knocked unconscious. Terms like Rocky Balboa’s ‘granite chin’ and being able to ‘take it on the chin’ imply strength and resilience. Superheroes such as Captain America Chris Evans and Superman or Man From U.N.C.L.E Henry Cavill look like they have chins forged from steel. So do some others, such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt, or world’s hottest felon, convict-turned model Jeremy Meeks. From an aesthetic standpoint, the chin frames the lower face and is a prominent facial feature, yet it is frequently neglected. While it doesn’t strike most people as important, a short or weak chin makes the whole face seem flat and incomplete. Good chins provide facial definition, makes one appear slimmer, gives one’s face character and is definitely a must-have for an attractive (and dare we say, sexy) Continue Reading