You have chosen the perfect venue, your dream wedding gown and decided on your favorite flowers. The only thing left to do: look radiantly beautiful. Skin – check; body – diet plan and gym check; hair – check; makeup – check; beautiful smile – errhh…? Consider this – you will probably never smile more in a single day than you would on your wedding day, and get documented in photographs and videos for all posterity. Your brilliant smile would most definitely make a bigger impression than the 6-tiered cake and possibly your fabulous dress. So let’s start the countdown in your quest for the perfect wedding smile. Months Before: Avoid staining your pearly whites Rich-coloured beverages such as soda, coffee, dark tea, and red wine tend to stain teeth, as do foods like blueberries, cherries, and soy sauce. The rough rule of the thumb is – if it stains white cotton, it’ll probably stain your teeth too. But beware of white wine – all wines, whether white or red, can Continue Reading