Tag: beauty

What You Always Wanted to Know About Lip Fillers

The eyes are the first to go, followed by the skin, mid-face and lips. But changes tend to occur so gradually that it might take a minute (or a chance glance at the lipstick counter) to notice things just aren’t the way they were. We’ve all heard about lip fillers in Singapore as a quick boost for our pouts. We’ve also seen the scary consequences of overdone lips in celebrity gossip magazines. To find out more about the uses of lip fillers and how to avoid looking like Donald Duck’s long-lost cousin, SKIN spoke to Dr Kenneth Lee from The SW1 Clinic for insider’s tips and tricks of volume control.   LINE-PLUMPING & HYDRATION BOOST Sited front and center, a pair of invitingly supple, smooth lips forms the basics of a beautifully healthy and youthful face. For one, you’ll never spot unsightly lipstick lines or parched patches on celebrity kissers, regardless of size. “Some of the first signs of aging lips are dullness and appearance of lines,” shared Dr Lee. “Not Continue Reading

Hot Mama – Be a Babe While Having a Babe

Pregnancy can bring on a flood of conflicting feelings. While you may be revelling in being pregnant, we understand that sometimes it can be hard to revel in looking pregnant – the expanding belly, plummeting energy levels, changing skin and a chronic klutzi’ness that makes even basic grooming a challenge. So here’s a little help on getting your beauty act back as your precious one grows. Hey babe, you earned it, deserve it and totally need it! WATCH YOUR WEIGHT The average weight woman puts on between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Packing on excess pounds increases your risk of developing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and gestational diabetes, which can have an impact on both you and your unborn child. It’s quality (i.e. a healthy, balanced diet), not quantity of food, that counts to provide sufficient key nutrients to support healthy foetal growth. In general, you do not need extra calories at all for the first two trimesters. A humble increase of about 200kcal per day is recommended to Continue Reading

Do You Have Chin Envy?

Is your chin giving others a weak impression of you?   In the world of boxing, a fighter’s chin is a term that refers to the ability to withstand trauma to the chin or jaw without being knocked unconscious. Terms like Rocky Balboa’s ‘granite chin’ and being able to ‘take it on the chin’ imply strength and resilience. Superheroes such as Captain America Chris Evans and Superman or Man From U.N.C.L.E Henry Cavill look like they have chins forged from steel. So do some others, such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt, or world’s hottest felon, convict-turned model Jeremy Meeks.     From an aesthetic standpoint, the chin frames the lower face and is a prominent facial feature, yet it is frequently neglected. While it doesn’t strike most people as important, a short or weak chin makes the whole face seem flat and incomplete. Good chins provide facial definition, makes one appear slimmer, gives one’s face character and is definitely a must-have for an attractive (and dare we say, sexy) Continue Reading

5 Easy Ways to Amp Up Your Skin’s Luminosity

I have always spied on Korean drama actresses and wondered the secret to the Korean dewy skin. You’ve probably heard of it – the rave about perfect, poreless, fair, dewy complexion has now been amplified to another level. If you are one of the lucky ones who got bored of luminous dewy skin, here’s another shot for you – Glass Skin. In pursuit of the perfect complexion, the next move up the dewy skin ladder is “Glass skin”. This requires a dedicated buff-and-shine skin regime to achieve that clear, crystalline, water-glow effect, like a piece of clear glass. Clear, dewy skin has always been a sign of youth in parts of Asia. And now, like a fancy and much anticipated iPhone or Samsung upgrade, clear, glassy skin looks set to overtake its predecessor. For those who have not heard of it yet, glass skin refers to perfectly smooth, clear, crystalline, shiny skin, like a piece of clear glass. We spoke to Dr Michelle Lim from The SW1 Clinic on tips Continue Reading