Tag: babydrop fillers

The Best No-Downtime Anti-Aging Investments That Deliver Results

The term “plastic surgery” prompts images of bandages, swelling and in general, loads of downtime to flash to mind. The good news is, times have changed, and there are many alternative procedures that don’t require the knife or needle. SKIN checked out the latest game-changing anti-aging beauty innovations that lets you look your best, without having to venture into invasive surgical procedures.   KEEP IT FOREVER YOUNG WITH BBL This should rank at the top of your list if you need hard evidence that the treatment works. BBL (broadband light) Forever Young is Sciton’s prized protocol which harnesses the power of light to keep skin firm and wrinkles at bay for years to come. In fact, the BBL Forever Young has been shown in a study by Stanford University to actually change the expression of genes associated with aging, functionally rejuvenating skin and delaying skin aging. Read More: 6 Insta-Treats That Deliver Results in Under 60 Minutes TARGET AGING AT ITS (DNA) CORE – YOUTH SAVANT One of the signs Continue Reading

Lip Rules We Learnt From The World’s Most Beautiful People

Plump lips, petite noses and large eyes. These are universal traits found in the most beautiful faces of the world. Ask a beauty expert and they will speak of “golden proportions” dating all the way back to the ancient greeks who discovered a mathematical proportion to all things beautiful – Phi (1.618). As a face approximates this ratio, the more beautiful the face perceived. The underlying message is – we judge beauty subconsciously by symmetry and proportion. It follows then, that there is also a precise formula to achieving a beautiful pout. The ideal ratio of the volume of the upper to lower lip is 1: 1.16. So the lower lip should appear slightly more full than the upper lip. Learn about 3 lip rules and accompanying tips for a youthful and attractive-looking pout.   Rule #1 Lip ageing is real Doctors say that around the age of 40, the philtrum – groove of the upper lip would have drooped between 3 to 15mm. Restore or change lip proportions to Continue Reading

The Biggest Lies About Botox And Fillers

We play true and false with these biggest botox and filler myths.   Botox is poison. TRUE   In a way, yes! Botox is a particular form of the botulinum toxin that is found in soil, dust and contaminated food, except that the cosmetic version of Botox found in your doctor’s office is a sterilized, purified and diluted version and completely safe for treatment of wrinkles.   Botox makes people expressionless. FALSE. When injected into facial muscles, the main action of Botox is to paralyze the facial muscles. But when the aesthetic dose is so small, it is not possible to completely paralyze the muscle unless too much is used. Typically a mild paralysis is enough to relax the muscles and alleviate the appearance of wrinkles, without losing expression. That means you can still smile, or frown but when you do, the wrinkles are less obvious. A good injection for forehead wrinkles, for example, lasts an average of 2 to 4 months, depending on your preference. The longer it lasts, Continue Reading