I’ve always considered the brown beauty mark prettily placed below the corner of my eye a signature physical feature. Very much the same way Cindy Crawford’s trademark mole is a central element of her look. So I was taken aback when a close friend suggested that I removed it, since a prominent mole in that area apparently symbolised a “tearful” future according to Chinese beliefs. Bothered and bewildered, I spoke to Master Yvonne Teh from 5 Arts Consultancy to demystify the truth behind “good” and “bad” facial moles. Read More: My Skin Renewal Laser Experience LIFE DIVINATION, MARKED The oriental art and metaphysical science of Face Reading has a history as old as Chinese Medicine, and remains as relevant today as it was in the past. In Face Reading (Mian Xiang), moles are like the trees, logs or flower on the garden landscape of your life: Depending on its size, position and colour, a mole may signify a life that’s a bed of roses or hint of a rocky Continue Reading