Category: NEWEST

Beauty Feng Shui – The Secrets Our Moles Hold

I’ve always considered the brown beauty mark prettily placed below the corner of my eye a signature physical feature. Very much the same way Cindy Crawford’s trademark mole is a central element of her look. So I was taken aback when a close friend suggested that I removed it, since a prominent mole in that area apparently symbolised a “tearful” future according to Chinese beliefs. Bothered and bewildered, I spoke to Master Yvonne Teh from 5 Arts Consultancy to demystify the truth behind “good” and “bad” facial moles. Read More: My Skin Renewal Laser Experience   LIFE DIVINATION, MARKED The oriental art and metaphysical science of Face Reading has a history as old as Chinese Medicine, and remains as relevant today as it was in the past. In Face Reading (Mian Xiang), moles are like the trees, logs or flower on the garden landscape of your life: Depending on its size, position and colour, a mole may signify a life that’s a bed of roses or hint of a rocky Continue Reading

Goodbye Foundation. Hello Great Skin

Men love soft, shiny skin. Here’s how to get it. Nothing exudes youth and sex appeal more than the healthy sheen of nude, supple skin. While the cosmetics industry would love to have you believe that more makeup translates to a more attractive appearance, most men we spoke to actually say they prefer their women with LESS, not more makeup. There lies the conundrum, we women face. How can we bare our faces if our skin is anything less than flawless? We spoke to two skin experts, Marisa Tay, a freelance makeup artist and Dr Low Chai Ling from The SW1 Clinic on their take on how we can make it or fake it when it comes to glowing skin.   A LITTLE SCIENCE Skin has three layers: The epidermis is the “raincoat” of our skin, it provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin The dermis, beneath the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands. The deeper subcutaneous tissue or “storeroom” is made of fat and connective Continue Reading

5 New Filler Trends That Will Surprise You

Dermal fillers may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for some people, fillers do miracles for them. Conventionally, Asian faces crave more projection, so nose, cheek and chin fillers are common. For the others, such as Caucasian patients, cheek, nasolabial and lip fillers are usually the more preferred. But we heard that these are just the tip of the iceberg. With such excellent safety profiles of hyaluronic acid fillers, people are filling places other than the traditional to look better and better. SKINMAG quizzed Dr Michelle Lim from the SW1 Clinic on the unconventional places that people are filling, beyond achieving the cheeky cheeklift, or the sexy lip status.  Read More: Looking Too Young For Your Age Is Now IN 1. Temples Who would have thought temple hollowing was a sign of aging? The youthful face is full and convex, and fat is evenly distributed both in deep and subcutaneous layers. Aging results in loss of fullness in various regions, including the temples. “Many patients overlook loss of volume Continue Reading

Feature Perfect: Feng Shui Beauty Tips

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui centers around harmonizing the elements of an environment to invite balance, happiness and good luck. While Feng Shui is best known for its use in architecture and decor, ancient Chinese geomancy also suggests that the same principles can be applied to our faces to attract great fortune. Eastern masters of face reading or Mian Xiang believes that the placement, shape and size of a person’s facial “mountains and rivers” carry a wealth of information and predictions about their character and life’s fortune. By highlighting your lucky facial features and correcting the “imbalanced” aspects, you can look your best and boost positive chi energy into your life. Here are 6 key attributes of a lucky prosperous face to emulate for a fabulous new year ahead.   KEEP YOUR SKIN & FUTURE CLEAR & UNBLEMISHED It is believed that those with a smooth and clear complexion will find that their life goes on more smoothly as well. They can achieve what they want with fewer hindrances than most. Celebrity Continue Reading

Christmas Beauty Fix: Post-Party Skin Savers

Christmas Eve has come and gone. As much as we love a good time, all those late nights and booze can wreak a havoc on our skin. All we have left with is a massive hangover, feeling sluggish and bloated, and maybe a few extra wrinkles and fine lines. It is now time to bounce back from a splurge with these post-party skin savers. Ultimate Deep Cleansing Heavy makeup, stress and pollution from all the party hoping can affect your skin terribly. Besides working on cleaning your internal system, it is also crucial to thoroughly cleanse your skin. SKIN highly recommends Deep Deep Clean Facial offered by The SW1 Spa. This is a real treat for tired, problem complexions. This ultimate deep cleansing treatment is excellent for congested complexions as it deeply cleanse the skin, leaving it soft and clear. The facial begins with Aquadermabrasion which helps to melt away the dead skin cells while promoting healthy lymphatic flow. When the skin is properly exfoliated and rejuvenated, your pores are Continue Reading