Category: NEWEST

The Skin Supplements That Matter

Well, most of you probably already know the three main ways to ensure youthful skin – sun protection, don’t smoke and eat a healthy diet. You know that you need to nourish our skin to keep it as healthy and youthful as possible. But are you getting enough of right nutrients from your diet alone? Staying youthful is not only about lotions and potions. Lifestyle and diet play essential roles. Exercises, fruits, adequate sleep and being tobacco free are also a vital key of staying young. A variety of vitamins and antioxidants help to improve the health of your skin and here are a few of the most effective ones.   Omega-3 fatty acids You probably already know that Omega-3 fatty aides are essential not only for the heath of tissues, heart and brain cells, but also for your skin. It helps to keep the outer layer of the skin strong and intact. Consuming the goodies in their natural state (eating more fish and leafy greens) is the best way. Continue Reading

The Best Way To Heal Your Sunburn

Our doctors have succeeded in raising awareness about the harmful effects of sun overexposure; many people today are aware of skin cancer and other harmful effects of the sun such as pigmentation and premature aging. While we have stepped up our game in protecting our skin, sometimes the accidental sunburn still happens. Here’s how to manage them. IMMEDIATELY AFTER – Soothe Your Stinging Skin.   1. Cool Compress After the accident, apply a cold, damp towel to the area quickly for 10 – 15 minutes. This helps remove some heat from the burnt skin. Take a cool shower or bath and moisturize immediately after.   2. Moisturize But Don’t Trap Heat Peeling is probably inevitable, because your body will now work to get rid of damaged cells that are at risk of becoming cancerous. Programmed cell death, a signaling mechanism in the body which leads to suicide of damaged skin cells occurs. In other words, your body sheds dead skin cells damaged by the sun as a form of protection. Continue Reading

Why Some Women Look Younger Than Others

You know that frustratingly gorgeous friend of yours? The one who puts on some Chapstick and walks out the door, no problem, and still gets carded at way past 21? Scientists have finally figured out what her deal is. And no, it’s not (just) plastic surgery.   Not Too Little, Not Too Much Goldilocks’ principle of “Not too little. Not too much. Just nice” applies here. Women who use cosmetic tweaks judiciously have been shown to get away with looking more attractive without the overt tell-tale signs of the ‘over-done’ look. The Smart: Smart women use a variety of skin lasers and lifting techniques to maintain their looks. “I get Thermage done once a year, and I use Lustrous Skin Program’s Fraxel light lasers to ensure my complexion stay bright and fair all year round. Every six weeks, I go for Monroe Hydrafacial at The SW1 Clinic” says Cindi, a youthful-looking marketing exec in her 40s. The Not-so-Smart: Sticking to one treatment just because it worked for you 10 years ago is Continue Reading

Anti-age Your Ears: The Jab to Perk Up Your Lobes

Yes, you have read that correctly. It may sound like the daftest aesthetic procedure yet – but earlobe rejuvenation is now a thing and to make it official, Vogue has said it – 2017 is looking like the year of the ear! Besides gaining popularity with women in forties, fashionistas are also paying a lot more attention to ears these days. If you are wondering why people are focusing on their ears of all places, it’s actually something thats been popping up on the runway for seasons. Take a look at Chanel’s Spring Summer SS18 Paris Fashion Show, where models flaunt their dangling accessories and lobes in heavy metallics and crystals. Whatever you make of the idea, it’s no surprise that the trend has simply thrust another part of women’s bodies into the spotlight. Like any other part of the body, your skin loses collagen and earlobes too lose volume and collagen due to the natural ageing process. Lobes can become elongated, saggy and thin as collagen and natural elasticity Continue Reading

Bridal Beauty: An Essential Beauty Checklist From An Aesthetic Doctor

December is the wedding season in Singapore, according to a recent survey published by the Department of Statistics. For some, December woud seem like an odd month to get married; it is the rainy season (so outdoor ceremonies may have to be scrapped unless you want to say your vows in the pouring rain), most people you would probably want to invite would be making plans for family holidays. But it is true that most couples choose the festive season for their nuptials, when work slows down in general and they are able to take time off work more easily. If you have plans to tie the knot with your man at the end of the year, you should have most of the big decisions made by now, such as announcing your engagement and setting the date (yes hello? You want people you are going to invite to save the date and actually attend your wedding, yes?), booked the venue, your wedding stylist, your photographer and videographer (these get booked Continue Reading