Well, I might have lied a little. I hated my body postpartum. Having gained a massive 20 kilograms during each of my 2 pregnancies, I didn’t fit well into my regular clothes anymore, even though theoretically I should, since I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My skin was dull-looking after I stopped breastfeeding, but the worst was losing so much hair so quickly.
6 months and several treatments later, I am finally back! Here’s what I did.
Thanks to post-pregnancy hormones, sleep deprivation and absolutely no time for taking care of my skin, I got the new-mum dull and grey complexion. Surprisingly, there are not many skin treatments tailored for pregnant and new mums, but I found my gem at the SW1 Clinic. Their Full Bloom program is designed to revive dull and lacklustre complexions with pregnancy and breast-feeding-safe treatments, such as the Sciton Forever Young BBL which revived my dull skin within one session!
Pregnancy does change our body shape and I was left to deal with new bulges on my body that I never had. I was quite sure that liposuction would be an overkill, since I wasn’t really fat all over, but just needed some fatty bulges shaved here and there. So I tried Coolshape, a fat freezing treatment for my abdomen, as well my inner thighs. I was a little skeptical initially, until I noticed my clothes started to fit better around 2 months later. I won’t lie, during this period I exercised regularly as well, trying to tone up my flabby arms and thighs but I don’t think exercise alone would have helped as much with these stubborn fats.
Having learnt my lesson after losing so much hair all of a sudden 6 months after my first baby, I started the Revage 670 Hair Laser 4 months after I delivered my second child. By the time I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months, I noticed that my hair loss this time round was a lot less and I now have more hair than before!