What is Profhilo and what you need to know about it?

There are many injectables in the market such as botox and fillers. However, have you heard of the trending injectable, Profhilo? Think of it
as a super moisturizer for skin. Rather than changing the shape of your face (fillers) or relaxing your muscles (botox), Profhilo delivers deep hydration into your skin to help plump, moisturize and give all round glow.

How does Profhilo work?

By injecting the hyaluronic acid formula into your skin, it helps the skin to hold on to water, effectively moisturizing the skin from within. It also stimulates collagens and elastin to create a smoother, hydrating skin appearance.

How does Profhilo compare to other injectables?

Profhilo may fall in the injectable category but, just as fillers and botox are made up of different ingredients and serve different functions,
Profhilo is a completely different treatment and it is not comparable to dermal fillers or wrinkle-relaxing botox, which add volume/contour to the face. Where botox and fillers are aimed at changing the way your face moves or its shape, think of Profhilo as the ultimate step in your skincare routine.

Is Botox better than Profhilo?

Though they are often placed in a similar camp, botox and Profhilo are two very different treatments. Profhilo is best placed as a skin rejuvenation treatment, which can enhance collagen production and hydrate the skin. Meanwhile, botox smooths fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing your facial muscles. Each has a different benefit to its own.


While Profhilo suits a wide range of ages and skin types, it’s important to remember that the results require maintenance with top-up treatments. The investment reflects its premium quality and the value it brings to your skin health journey. However, it may not be the solution for all age-related skin issues, particularly those that are more advanced; we would recommend making a consultation with us to discuss your options, allowing us to find the best solution for you.

You may check this link for more details


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