Year: 2023

Guide to have better health in 2023

Guide to have a better health in 2023 1. Keeping your body active and eating healthy Having a healthy body enables us to continue doing the things we love and enjoy, such as travelling and doing sports. Many often neglect their health due to other priorities in their life such as work and family. However, how can we perform well at work and spend quality time with our family if our health is bad? If you are not already keeping yourself active by exercising 2-3 times a week, make it your 2023 goal to try out new sports and fitness programs. Do also keep in mind to have a healthy and well-balanced diet. When in doubt, seek out a certified dietician to help plan out your meals and learn how to feed your body with the nutrients it needs.   2. Water is key Water plays a key role in many of our body’s functions, including bringing nutrients to cells, getting rid of wastes, protecting joints and organs, and maintaining Continue Reading